Earth is calling for Deceleration:

“In a social phase in which thinking about oneself has become the norm, the #Coronavirus sends us a clear message: the only way to get out of it is to be together, to resurrect in us the feeling of helping others, of belonging to a group, to be part of something bigger to be responsible for and that in turn be responsible to us. “ — F. Morelli

In Decelera we believe that empathy, humanity, reflection, and support between each other are the key to get through this global crisis. Our Manifesto reflects how important is Deceleration for a better planet.

It’s a time where we have to take care of ourselves and all the people around us. From our families and friends to our work colleagues, the people we share a seat on the metro or a word on the street.

The Earth is calling us to Decelerate. To think about life.

We spend our life planing how our next day is going to be, what we have to do, who we have to see, setting superficial things on a priority list we all have, but don’t use properly. Suddenly, from one day to another, we have to stop. To learn to be with ourselves, our thoughts, our fears, and our hopes.
To value time and people.

During our programs, we follow a Deceleration Methodology based on three different stages: Breathe, Focus and Grow.
Breathe, is the moment we stop, relax and look for resilience, decelerating from our daily lives and listening to our body, mind, and heart.
Focus is the moment we get inspired, reflect and work on different topics to define the next steps. In our programs, we approach business factors, but also reflect and work on the impact the humans have as an individual, as leaders in their teams, and as a positive sustainable impact in the World.
During the Growth phase, we already have integrated some habits and it is the moment to apply everything we have learned to our daily lives in a personal and professional way.

Find here some of our Deceleration Rituals with some online tools that will help you go through the #Coronavirus situation, make you feel better and learn from it.


Not going out on the street causes frustration. We don’t release endorphins and close our bodies ’ energy between four walls. It’s important to find a way to release all these endorphins and keep ourselves active.
For that, we recommend this Pilates & Yoga Platform. It has a freemium 15-day trial version and also low-cost premium versions.
The program is designed so you can do it at home and has no equipment requirement.

We advise practicing these activities as the first thing we do in the morning. First, because it will help us maintain a routine while we have to work remotely.
Second, it’s proven that starting the day with exercise helps us have energy for the rest of the day. After 21 days of doing this, we will have integrated a new habit. Why don’t take this moment as a challenge to start something new?
Third, by doing yoga or pilates, we are releasing arterial pressure, which means, we are reducing stress. Nowadays, with all the things we have going on, we need to find a way to avoid or reduce being stressed and stay positive and calm.


Uncertainty, especially now, causes us all to be in a down or at the very least feeling a bit strange.
That’s why we created this list of things you can do to keep yourself and your teammates, friends, and family positive.

1. Working from home does not mean work from bed in my pajamas. Keep the routine to stay focused and in a working mood.

2. “The easiest way to control how we feel is to pay closer attention to what we eat. This includes controlling how our brains feel! What we eat has a huge impact on how we are able to focus, concentrate and learn, whether that be school for kids or jobs for adults.“
Make yourself smoothies, healthy bowls, avocado toasts. Anything you like that you forget to do because of lack of time.
Here we share with you nice Recipe Websites that do not only include delicious breakfast and meals but also remind you how this type of foods can help you to stay healthy and focused.

3. As a group activity share your home-prepared breakfast so your team workers can get inspired!

4. Create a “check-in“ channel on your slack, Whatsapp (platform you use to communicate with each other) to share how you feel every morning. You can send songs to motivate others or share some reflections.

5. Don’t share only the scary and sad news but the interesting reflections that are coming up with this global daily lives stop.
Here are some examples:

6. Read nice, different and inspiring books. These are some of our recommendations:
-The Servant by James Hunter (La Paradoja en español)
-Principles by Rey Dalio
-Sapiens by Yuval Harari

Share what you are reading with your colleagues and ask them to share the same with you! Try a new field, author, topic, use this moment to learn something new.

7. Challenge yourself and make a list about what things you would like to do when everything comes back to “normal“. There are always things we postpone and are now regretting we didn’t do, right?

8. Call/write all the people you care about and ask them how they are. Maybe they are not infected but scared and some empathy could be good for them, as well for you.

9. Bring back the kid you have inside and be creative. Entertain yourself with simple things such as playing UNO, painting a Mandala, fixing that old furniture you promised to fix months ago and never did…
Invent new games that adapt to this challenging time. How about Remote Movie Guessing night? Something almost everyone has is a phone and a camera. Use it to be with the people you can’t be with.

10. Spread the Deceleration Method by sharing this Formula, and help other people to feel better. Now is when we have to share and care. Be connected with each other and use our human powers to face the complex times we live in.


We are all talking about keeping safe and staying home so we don’t get infected and don’t get others infected because of us, which is very important. But we should also talk about keeping our minds safe. All this information and des-information is confusing and scary. No one ever teaches us how to get through these circumstances without or at least with the less possible scars.

Talk about your thoughts. Ask people about their thoughts.
But also give yourself time to be relaxed and quiet. To listen to your mind, body, and heart. Be patient and warm with yourself.

In the same web, we shared with you before for Yoga and Pilates, you have Mindfulness sessions. Practice 15 min every day and you will see the power of activating your senses in order to decelerate yourself and feel safe.

There are also other relaxation techniques that are not meditation but can help us to relax. What we don’t know is we are actually continuously doing them but maybe not giving them the appropriate attention. Cooking, cleaning, listening to music, painting, and sewing can also help people get to chill.
“Intentional repetitive actions can redirect one’s focus away from anxiety, worries, and depressive thoughts and lull individuals into a relaxing trance.“
For example, cooking should not be just another to-do, but a way to be more present, be able to organize and complete the task and take it as a way to “scape“ from tech for a while.


We are a Community of Decelerators and we are in this together. So if we can do anything for you, please let us know!
Also, there are other beautiful initiatives around the world aligned with our values.We want to share some of them with you because now is the moment to act together.

Let’s Decelerate!

Valentina Villa-Gómez
Experience and Innovation Designer at Decelera


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The Decelera formula